While EPARC has been and will continue to be more of an informal club that focuses more on the spirit of ham radio and camaraderie and less on the politics of an organization, we do have elected officers to help maintain a democratic structure and keep things running smoothly.
Elected Officers
(effective March 2020)
President: Aaron Crawford, N3MBH
Vice President: (This position is currently open)
Treasurer: Brian Bircher, KE8AZF
Secretary: Shane Dunahugh, N3RTD
Editor: Jacqueline McCarrey, KC3EME
Other Roles
Club Call Trustee (K8EP): Aaron Crawford, N3MBH
Field Day Coordinator: Shane Dunahugh, N3RTD
Social Media Manager(s): Mark Kraham, W8CMK & Aaron Crawford, N3MBH
Website: Aaron Crawford, N3MBH
VE Team Members:
Shane Dunahugh, N3RTD (VE Coordinator)
Mark Kraham, W8CMK
Aaron Crawford, N3MBH